Tuesday 24 May 2011

Love and death

love is an addiction, an obsession and a soul destroying

Love and death are the two life experiences which really compel us to look at life
and the nature of reality.
It’s quite different when a relationship dies.

The loss of love, such as the end of a
relationship or even an unrequited love can be as devastating as losing someone
through death.

When we have been deeply connected to another person we feel intrinsically
woven into them. We try to express this sense with statements like, “He was a
part of me” or “He completed me”.

When love dies or love is not requited, it is quite possibly more
painful and longer lasting than losing someone through death – in a way, it really
is a death.

I have now mastered the art of crying
inside and smiling outside.

i'm strong enough.....


P/S: Loss of love feels like the loss of the soul

ary malang aku......

halu there...... aku nk kongsi smthng cket sal malang aku yg x berbau ary nie.... wahahaha....... 
ary nie aku kerja ngan bapak aku..... cm biase la wat rumah.... punye la pnat nk mampos ary nie sal adk2 aku sumer g skolah..... so, yg wat krje nyer aku ngan bapak aku je la..... da la ary nie kene konkrit simen..... aku la yg jd mngsa nye..... smpai nk pitam aku angkat simen wat naek tingkat ats...... dalam ngah khusyuk duk angkat simen 2,, scare x sngaje aku terpijak plak paku 2 inci.... agk dalam la mnusuk dlm kaki aku nih...... sakit ouh!!!!!
abs berdarah kaki aku dgn bnyaknye....... aku pn amik kaen kt leher aku n trus aku balut kt kaki aku...... pas 2 aku smbung wat krje blik....... mse 2 da rase sengal abs satu bdn tp aku still gagah kn diri gak sbb x nk r biarkn bapak aku wat kerja sorg2...... dye suruh aku blik umah sapu ubat,, tp aku wat x tau je....... maklum la,, syg kt bapak ag drpd kaki aku nie,,, tp bestnyer dpt blik rumah awal cket ary nie...... yey!!! wahahaha..... 
smpai plak kt hospital,, doktor 2 check kate 'dalam nih'...... x pasal2 kene cucuk..... 2 kali plak 2...... then dye korek kaki aku nk buang karat yg melekat 2....... sakit siotttt!!!!! nsib baek x kene tahan dalam wad..... alhamdulillah........ 
2 je la yg aku nk share ngan korang sal malang yg mnimpa aku ary nie........ 
tq sbb sudi bace.....
p/s: aty2 kalo wat kerja,, jgn jd cam aku k.......

ha.... yg nie bkn aku ngan bapak aku tym krje..... hahahaha.....
x de gambar siottt!!!!!!

dUniA akHiR zAmAn.........

halu there..... just nk kongsi sejarah cket ngan korang...
bg yg x tau,, tgk dan pahamkn..... bg yg tau,, wat2 tau je la......

thats all.... 
tq 4 watching....
n one more..... 
sdar la cket wahai kamu2 skalian.......
x lame da kite nie......
better prepare urself.....
gud luck......

Monday 23 May 2011

my OnlY bEstiE frEn...... ^^

halu guys.....
kali nie aku nk kongsi story sal member aku yg pling baek n rapat ngan aku.....

lara ben deen @ deen.........

deen nie la kwn aku yg pling rapat smenjak aku msuk uitm 2...... n dye sorg la yg kekal skelas ngan aku smenjak aku part 1 smpai la aku part 6......... member2 yg laen smua tkr klas..... tp aku ngan deen nie still gak bersame x kira la msuk klas mane pn........ syg gile aku kt deen.... arrhhhh...... mwwahhhh!!!! kiss utk deen.... mwahahaha..... tp yg pling aku respect deen nie,, dye sbar je lyn kerenah aku,, prangai aku,, marah aku kt dye.... smuanye dye tahan.... mmg aku agk panas barab r orgnye... n deen plak yg slalu jd mangsa bila aku nk lpas geram.... x psal2 dye kene marah...... deen,,, if u hear me,, i'm so soryyyyyyy........ aku x berniat pn....... aku anggap deen like my real brother.... when i sad,, he cheers me up,,,, when i'm heppy,,,, he turns me into sad.... hahahahaha.....
ape pn,,,, aku syg kwn baek aku yg sorg nie....... 
n aku doakan ko bhagia brsame kkasih ko yg jugak member baek aku 2........ heeeeeeeeeeeee......

love u deen........ mwah! mwah! mwah!

take my heart

You can take my heart for a walk on the beach
You can take my heart for a little trip
You can take my heart very close to your heart
You can take my heart forever if you like

But not every heart belongs to any other
You and I
You and I are meant to be
I'm the one for you, You're the one for me
You love me as much as I do
When you look at me and we're skin to skin
I want you so
Please come in
And you love me more and more
And my love grows up with you
And you kiss me more and more
And I kiss you, too
And I kiss you, too

If I take your heart, I will cherish it every day
If I take your heart, I will heal these old wounds
If I take your heart, it's to make it happy
If I take your heart, it's forever close to mine

But not every heart belongs to any other
You and I
You and I are meant to be
I'm the one for you, You're the one for me
You love me as much as I do
When you look at me and we're skin to skin
I want you so
Please come in
And you love me more and more
And my love grows up with you
And you kiss me more and more
And I kiss you, too
And I kiss you, too

I don't care, I don't care
If I'm again carried away
If you swear, if you swear
To give me your heart in return
To give me your heart in return

I don't care, I don't care
If I'm again carried away
If you swear, if you swear
To give me your heart in return
To give me your heart in return.......

this song was for her......
if only she listen..........

about fucking self

hey all.... how do u do... first at all...... let me introduce a simple bout myself.... the one they call me,, mat yie....... live in besut@kg raja..... that's my beloved hometown.... i'm already 21 years old and still student in uitm machang...... hohoho.... thats all u need to know bout me..... the only thing u should know bout me,, like 2 smile a lot........ :-)
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